The great glock give away!

A recently departed officer left the JVPD and took an awesome gift on the way out the door. It seems the department has shifted away from carrying department issued glock 17 pistols that were purchased with CCPD funds (taxpayer funds). Chief Riggs, for some reason, felt the need to give the officer a brand new, in the box, law enforcement issue pistol. The pistols were issued to bolster uniformity within the department. This way each and every officer carried the same gun, same caliber, and their duty gear was interchangeable with each other. Ordering ammunition was easy because the department only had to purchase two types of rounds. One was carry/duty ammo and the other was practice ammo. This saved time and money. For unknown reasons Chief Riggs didn’t like this and is now giving away Glock pistols.

Giving away city owned property is highly unusual, especially since these were purchased with taxpayer funds, on department letterhead, and specifically for department use. Not to mention, they were sold to JVPD under the law enforcement/department use agreement.

As a taxpayer, I’d contact the City Manager, the Chief of Police, or a council member to see if you, a tax paying citizen, can get a FREE GLOCK! It is worth a shot.